Sunday, September 16, 2012

Deconstructed Epic

The story I would like to deconstruct is the Karate Kid.
It starts off with Daniel-san moving to a new school. He makes friends with a girl who happens to be the ex girlfriend of this socio path from Cobra Kai. A martial arts school that is clearly corrupting the ancient traditions. He gets into a fight with the guy from Cobra Kai and is utterly beaten as he has very weak Karate. This is what pushes him to advance. He needs to learn to protect him self due to the bullying. Enter Mr. Myagi, Daniel-san's mentor. He teaches daniel-san karate so that daniel-san can defend himself. Mr. Myagi goes to the Cobra Kai headquarters to try and get the cobra Kai master to call off his goons. He refuses. Mr Myagi negotiates a temporary peace treaty so that Daniel-san can train and have the final showdown in the big Martial Arts tournament. He learns karate threw mysteriouse and abstract training methods that daniel-san dousn't understand at first. When he gets to the tournament, he douse great, at first. The head of kobra kai forces one of his students to use an illegal move that will injure daniel-san so he will be weakened for the final fight and have an unfair disadvantage. In the final fightt daniel-san puts forthe his best effort but it looks like his injury will be too much. In a last act of effort he makes use of a very difficult and advanced technice, the crain kick. His opponent dousn't understand at first what is going on, and when daniel son uses the kick he beats his opponent in one move. Cue 80's celebration music.


  1. Cue "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang ;)

    1. More appropiately cue "Cruel Summer" by Banannarama

  2. you are very behind on ur blog mister...

    my blog is
